Building the next generation of the green economy

Gaia-Force creates a curated pool of green talent by upskilling and enabling college graduates. We provide role specific education, digital green skills and soft skills to start a successful career

How can we collectively support the projected, 315% increase in green jobs in next 6 years

Today of 4.09 million college graduates only 2.75% join climate jobs.

The current college students are barely taught the issues of climate change and the solutions to fight climate change. There are barely any programs with pathways to green jobs.

Green jobs apprenticeship is missing from workforce development in the United States of America. The Inflation Reduction Act, signed by President Biden in August 2022 provided 758 billion dollars in grant and loan programs and other investments for clean energy and climate action. The Inflation Reduction Act will not only create millions of jobs—it will create good-paying, high-quality jobs.

How are we preparing the next generation to successfully enter this green workforce?